Thursday 9 September 2010

Rolex Watch and Jewellery Theft in Seattle.

A person trusted with taking care of people’s houses has been charged with stealing luxury jewelry and other valuables in the Seattle, WA area. The King County Washing Prosecutors’ Office has stated that 74 year old Vera McCoy stole items including a one thousand five hundred dollar Rolex watch, and a Tiffany & Co ring while working as a maid for her longtime employer of 15 years.

The Bellevue, Washington resident that employed Vera McCoy reported the thefts after she noticed items were missing from her home. According to Bellevue detectives Vera McCoy admitted to the thefts when interviewed by police. While testifying a Bellevue detective told the court “McCoy said she took the jewelry out of (the woman's) safe” and that “McCoy said that she has a gambling problem and she needed money”

According to police reports the combination to the safe was found by Vera McCoy when she was cleaning the
home. She has admitted to stealing from the safe for five years prior to the discovery and arrest. According to the reports the value of everything stolen was three thousand and seventy four dollars.

This is why its important to keep your valuables in a safe and not give out the combination or put it in a place that could be found by people searching your home.

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