Thursday 20 January 2011

Jaeger LeCoultre China Expansion Plans

Jaeger LeCoultre Finds Its Time To Expand

Premium watch manufacturer Jageger LeCoultre is expecting major growth in China which is becoming its largest watch market in the world according to reports. A company executive told China Daily during an interview earlier last week that "Sales in the Chinese market have contributed a lot to our global business and we will continuously expand our outreach in China to grasp the business opportunities in the fastest-growing market in the world.”

The Switzerland based watch manufacturer just opened its premium watch boutique in Beijing China in November hoping to appeal to the new Chinese customer base according to reports. The watch manufacturer sells watches for around ten thousand Chinese Yuan which is around one thousand five hundred US Dollars up words to fifty thousand Chinese Yuan.

The executive added, "I'm confident that the Chinese market will reflect better sales in the future and we will launch some products especially designed for our Chinese clients.”

The US Based Firm Bain and Co’s findings back up the moves of Jaeger Le Coultre. They conducted a survey of a thousand customers in 10 cities and believe watch sales in China will steadily climb in the next decade.

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