Monday 13 December 2010

Bernie Ecclestone to Star In Hublot Watches Advert

Guy Who Gets Black Eye in Watch Mugging Stars In Ad
In an extremely unusual move by the luxury watch company Hublot Luxury Watches they have hired Formula 1 Chief Bernie Ecclestone to star in an advertisement. 80 year old Ecclestone was severely beaten and received a black eye when he was beaten by still at large muggers who stole jewellery and a personally customized Hublot Luxury watch valued at over three hundred thousand dollars according to news reports. His female companion that was with him at the time who is in her thirties was not injured during the mugging.
Hublut Luxury watches based out of Switzerland was named the official watchmaker of Forumula 1 in March of 2009 and the news story with Bernie Ecclestone presented a great opportunity for the company as he was a former Formula 1 crew chief. At the Fahrain Grand Prix Formula 1 race Hublot Luxury watches announced a limited edition watch series with their standard watches in special colors. The Monza edition watch will for example be available in Red Saphire.
The watches that Ecclestone will be staring in ran this week in the International Herald Tribune, Financial Times newspapers had the tag line “See what people will do for a Hublot?”

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