Monday 5 July 2010

Samuel Eto'o Buys Team Mates Watches

To celebrate their qualification for the world cup, Inter Milan and Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o blew a fortune on buying watches for all of his team mates !

The Dail Mail reported that the amount of money he spent buying the watches ran into the hundreds of thousands of pounds, in fact they quoted a figure of £900,000 ! This gesture also not included just his Cameroon team mates but also the management and backroom staff connected with the team with came to a total of 30 watches each costing £29,000 each - all of which were personally engraved at further expense.

Cameroon failed to sparkle in the world cup, with them coming last in their group without a single point...maybe it beacuse they were earing their expensive wristwatches and did't want to break them !!

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