Sunday, 16 May 2010

Ballistic Watches Tested to the Extreme

you think the last video for Ballistic watches was cool, here's a better one !

Would you beleive any watch in the world can survive 100 degree boiling water for a whole minute and still come out ticking away !! Well a Ballistic watch can !

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Ballistic Watches

These amazing Ballistic watches are unreal.. but don't take my word for it - have a look at the demonstration video for yourself - in this Ballistic watches video you can see deliberate attempts to break the watch include smashing it with a hammmer, scratching it with a stanley knife, jumping and stamping on it and driving over it in a huge truck and as if that were not enough then even combining a hammer and chisel with a good few blows....and what happened to the watch ?....not a scratch !!!